Wednesday, June 25, 2008

YL summer summit

Twas YL summer summit on Sat. I had lots of fun. We spent a while trying to squish 140 people into Joe's greenhouse, than a quiz (my team came 2nd to last) to determine the order in which we got food. I had vegetarian burgers and a vegetarian sausage, (Michael said I had 5 burgers whivh is a lie) I made Michael taste some and he really didn't like it, then Caleb tasted some and he nearly threw up (his face was sooo funny), then Seth had some and Mikey. Then I made Michael have some sausage, this time he nearly threw up (there's a picture of this knocking around somewhere). He then proceeded to tell me not to eat my tea as he thought it was dodgy or something. After that we had the obstacle course, I took part in this, I had to bouncy hopper down the field (my mate said he's never seen anyone bouncy hopper soo high), over a pool and jump then over a bale of hay, then i had to bob for an apple (my fringe was soaking), then i had to hula hoop two times, then crawl through a tunnel, then get a malteser out of icing sugar with my teeth. And after all this I still had to run to the finish and I was sticky ALL night. All this in the rain and THEN I find out my mate filmed me doing this (o the shame lol). We then crammed everyone back into the green house and then had a talk and then some played football. I sat inside because it was raining and it slowly got dark.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

haha! too right. wuz gr8. im still sure you had more than two burgers... gota b at least 10. (They were discousting) :(.

and i was tru with wot i sed... u r probs the best bouncer in the world! lol u went lyk 2 ft in the air! thats almost as tall as... oh wait i sed i wudnt joke about ur height =D