Sunday, June 1, 2008

Holiday club - 4th day - Fri

No piccies yet. The craft was OK today but i got absolutely covered in glue sticking things together for the kids, it was fun though. We get to have lunch at church on the Fri as we have to set up for the evening afterwards, it's a tradition. I had McDonald's yey! Me and Bethan had to go on a search for a hula hop and some balloons but it took us over half an hour, everyone said they were about to send out a search party when we got back. You would not believe how hard it is to find plain balloons and a hula hoop. Near impossible!!!! I did get to hula hoop with it later though so it's not all bad.

The evening was fun as ever. My bestest friend in the world, Ali, was there, so I was very happy. I only get to see her at weekends now since she started living at college and I miss her a lot during the week. I was helping out with a balloon game but the balloons kept going every where (or kids threw them every where).

All in all it was a very fun day and loved every minute of it.

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